Five Point Someone By Chetan Bhagat Free PDF Download

Five Point Someone - Chetan Bhagat
I did not anticipate this to be as entertaining as it grew out to be. Its nearly same as a movie and you do not have to be an IIT graduate in order to love the novel of Chetan Bhagat 'Five Point Someone'. Though the book is furnished 'What not to do at IIT', the mark could have been employed to any college for that subject.

I have also lived in a hostel too and I can associate a lot to what he talks about, although my life was not half as entertaining as in the book. But I am certain this is how anybody who has lived through and through the strains and delights of college life would want to depict the book on going through it.  But if your not in that place, you may not enjoy it as much. Also, this is quite an Indian book and a I would not darn a foreign reader if most of the wit is lost on him or her.

About The Book
The book Five point someone is a story of three friends who come together at IIT. It opens in the action-packed four year period of time from their entrance to graduation. There are a lot of affairs right about Bhagat’s writing. The words are authentic for one and the dialogue quite natural for everyone. Also, his depiction of typical college life not just the IIT college is general with commonly used jargons. He also fused the college romance, an academic conflict and the mix-up of what to do next is mixed in a very entertaining fashion, spiced up with a project master teacher and a smart ass mentor. The book is established on grading systems in IITs, where five pointers are among the laggards in a class. The grade becomes almost a  caste system that one has to live with for the rest of one’s life. Definitely a very nice book to read.

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