Why Men Don't Listen And Women Can't Read Maps - Allan & Barbara Pease

Allan Pease, Barbara Pease, Personality Development, Self Confidence, Self Help, Self Improvement, Motivational Ebook, Relationship,
This is a controversial book as it explains the differences between how men and women think. In  this book the authors Allan and Barbara Pease explains about men and women psychology. They have travelled around the world finding new research on the brain and investigating evolutionary biology. They say that it is very shocking as the line of battle is drawn between both the sexes. The book is awesome explaining various secrets of men and women.
Things revealed in this book
  • Why men really can't do more than one thing at a time.
  • Why women make such a mess of parallel parking
  • Why men should not lie to women.
  • Why women talk so much, and men so little.
  • Why women prefer simply to talk it through.
  • Why men offer solutions, but hate advice.
  • Why women despair about men's silences.
This is a must read for all men and women who love, hate each other. In this book you will learn as much about yourself and about your opposite sex. You will also learn how to improve relationships.

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